
Want to know more about homeschooling?

Children homeschooling
What You’ll Find Here




This site is intended to provide information to homeschooling parents, and families who are considering homeschool. It was written by homeschooling parents. We are not affiliated with any curriculum or organization. 

These days, homeschool is confusing. There are different regulations in different areas, a marid of homeschool curriculums, and multiple types of learning that fall under the homeschool umbrella. Our goal is to break some of the information down into an easy-to-understand format so that it seems a little less daunting.

Styles of Homeschool Curriculums Covered:
If you have a desire to homeschool, know that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help. Look through this website for more information.

Do you really know what homeschooling means?

Do you want to know how to get started?

Want to know what the experts have to say about homeschooling?

Have legal questions about homeschool?

This website was started as a homeschooling roadmap for the Garrett County, Maryland area. Therefore, the specifics regarding local regulations apply to Garrett County, Maryland only. However, all other areas of the site contain information that may be pertinent to homeschooling families everywhere. If you do not live in Garrett County, Maryland, please refer to your local homeschooling regulations.

That being said, if you are homeschooling outside Garrett County, you may still benefit from perusing this section, in that it may give you ideas of what to look for regarding regulations in your own community. 

Garrett County residents, please look for Garrett County homeschooling side notes throughout the site.

In Addition

01. Advice

Experiences from Families

03. Recommended
04. Extra Curricular

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